Analogue Systems RS-510N Synthishaper

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Analogue Systems
Доступность:на заказ
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The Synthishaper module is made under license of the EMS and is a remake of the EMS envelope shaper known from VCS3, Synthi A and AKS.

It is a very unique modulator which can be used as a trapeze or triangle shape LFO and/or a attack-hold-decay envelope generator. For the real EMS feeling combine the 500e Filter with the 510 Trapezoid. The Trapezoid Generator has Attack, On, Decay, Off parameters. The "Off" parameter can determine a amount of time until the envelope can be re-triggered. A very short "off" time will make the unit loop, changing it into a LFO. VC of Decay time, Gate input and a manual trigger button. Two signal outputs that can be adjusted in level in polarity with one common knob. Additionally the module has an internal VCA which explains the Signal in- and output and is being controlled by the trapezoid signal.

This Dual Bus version features two power connectors, meaning it can be directly connected to either an Analog Systems or a Doepfer modular system. – Adapters are no longer necessary.

All modules by Analogue Systems come ready to use with five years warranty mounted in the by the customer preferred rack or cabinet.

For a timely delivery please confirm your choice and configuration as customer or specialised dealer via email

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