Analogue Systems RS-600 Performance Wheels

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Analogue Systems
Доступность:на заказ
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The RS-600 Performance Wheels are backlit modulation and pitch bend wheels made of clear acrylic.

They change colour as you move them and the modulation wheel LED flashes with intensity as it is moved showing the internal lfo frequency. The modulation wheel controls intensity of the integrated LFO (frequency range 0.15Hz to 45Hz). If a cable is inserted into the external input the LFO will be deactivated and the modulation wheel controls the amount of the external voltage. The modulation is present at the MOD output The pitch bend wheel generates a voltage at the BEND ouput. Its range is being controlled by the depth potentiometer. Voltage range from -2V to 2V The mix output carries a mix of the voltages form the modulation wheel and the pitch bend wheel. The bend wheel has a range of -4.5V to 4.5V at this output.

All modules by Analogue Systems come ready to use with five years warranty mounted in the by the customer preferred rack or cabinet.

For a timely delivery please confirm your choice and configuration as customer or specialised dealer via email

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