Dramastic Audio Obsidian Stereo Compressor Динамическая обработкаDramastic Audio Obsidian Stereo Compressor Динамическая обработкаКупить Динамическая обработка Dramastic Audio Obsidian Stereo Compressor

Dramastic Audio Obsidian Stereo Compressor

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Dramastic Audio
Доступность:на заказ
365765 Р
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Through the use of several proprietary methods the Dramastic Audio Obsidian performs a range of tasks unheard of from the average SSL or SSL-esque unit.  The fist difference the user will notice is that the unit suffers no ‘shrinkage’ to the audio sound field.  The highs stay brilliant and clear and the bottom will continue to thunder (especially with the unit’s internal High Pass Filter engaged on the unit’s detection circuit).

The second thing the user will notice is that when the "auto" release time is employed the audio has a smooth, rich texture without any pumping or breathing.  From there, if the user has decided that the audio is a little too smooth for their application a simple click of the release switch to the "lofi" setting will net all the "in your face" aggression a user may desire.  Overall the clarity and performance of this unit is unparalleled by any unit based around a Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA) gain reduction cell.  At first look it may suggest something from the past, but at first listen the user will understand the future of professional audio.  Transformer balanced input/output interface which gives the Obsidian its unique sound.  The TXIO Enhanced option produces that "phat" classic analog sound making the Obsidian an excellent way to add warmth and character to digital audio workstations.


  • Precision stepped controls to accurately recall settings
  • Side-Chain Input XLR
  • Balanced inputs and outputs Ratio settings: 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, 10:1, 12:1 and SKULL
  • Attack control range: 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 10 and 30mSec
  • Release control range: 0.1, 0.3, 0., 1.2 sec, AUTO and Lo-Fi
  • Makeup gain output

Размеры и вес товара

Длина: 50.0000CM
Ширина: 20.0000CM
Высота: 30.0000CM
Вес: 10.0000KG

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