EastWest PRODrummer 2

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: EastWest
Доступность:в наличии
В наличии:
  • Склад Петербург (поставка 1-3 дня)
  • Склад Москва (поставка 1-3 дня)
  • Удаленный склад (поставка 3-8 недель)
  • Доступен к поставке
Акция закончится через:
Обычная цена:
10545 Р
Специальная цена:
9637 Р
Вы экономите:
-908 Р
Акция! Только
  9 шт. осталось!
  шт. уже раскуплено
Хочу дешевле!
Virtual Drum Production Studio (Download)
  • Intricately produced drum software based on meticulously recorded samples of high-quality drums
  • Recorded by Joe Chiccarelli and Doug Rogers, played by Matt Chamberlain
  • Offers recordings from three different rooms with over 40 GB of samples of drums and cymbals from Craviotto, Ludwig, Tama, Slingerland, Gretsch, Istanbul and Zildjian
  • Integrated 16-channel mixer with bleed function and room miking
  • Integrated SSL effects with filter, EQ, compressor, gate and transient shaper as well as stereo bus compressor
  • Includes convolution reverb, Ohmicide multiband distortion and amp simulation
  • Songbuilder sequencer allows the creation of complete drum arrangements within the software
  • Drag & drop drum tracks into the DAW
  • Numerous editing options for customising the drum sounds and drum kits
  • Новинки
  • Скидки
  • Акция

Размеры и вес товара

Длина: 5.0000CM
Ширина: 5.0000CM
Высота: 5.0000CM
Вес: 1.0000KG

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