Endorphin.es BLCK_Gateway

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Endorphin.es
Доступность:на заказ
28115 Р
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Gateway is an expansion module for Endorphin.es Terminal. Via a set of CV-inputs you get more control over the envelopes of Terminal.

Gateway also gives you the possibility to use the Terminal-AD-envelopes as oscillators. Furthermore you get two separate Autotune-sections with which VCOs can be tuned automatically within a second (usually quicker).
With the VCF mode switches you can enable a 12 db VCF on the appropriate “Gate”.

Gateway gets connected via two ribbon cables directly to the Terminal backside. In that case a connection to the system bus is not necessary.

However you can use Gateway also without Terminal, e.g. for its autotune feature. In that case you need to connect it to the system bus.

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