Flame X-4 Quad VC/Envelope

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Flame
Доступность:на заказ
26878 Р
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The FLAME "X-4" is a compact multifunctional 4x Envelope / VCA module, which combines in a very small space (10HP) 4 AR envelopes and 4 separate VCAs.
The module complements quad VCOs (eg the FLAME "4VOX") to control 4 VCAs per envelope generator in a small space.
Each channel can be used separately as an AR envelope generator with VCA, or even as a VCA.

There are 3 modes:
  • AR: 4 CV controllable separate Attack/Release envelopes on 4 VCA channels (per gate)
  • AD: 4 CV controllable separate Attack/Decay envelopes on 4 VCA channels (oneshot per trigger)
  • VCA: 4 CV controllable separate VCAs

There is available a three-level switch for three different envelope rates from extremely short to long.
The envelope shape is set with the sliders (also adjustable via CV inputs).
In addition, the envelope can be looped (gated AD envelope loop).

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