Haken Audio Continuum Full Size

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Haken Audio
Доступность:на заказ
770764 Р
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The Haken Audio Continuum Controller is a three-dimensional midicontroller with integrated sound generation.

With this instrument, polyphonic sliding sounds can be played dynamically by pressure and in vertical position. Internally Continuum has a synthesizer with atmospheric and powerful sounds. The fingerboard simultaneously processes data on the X, Y and Z axes for one to a maximum of 16 fingers. X (left to right) transmits the pitch for each individual note. This parameter can range from light vibrato to dramatic note intervals across the entire playing surface. One inch on the X axis corresponds to a range of 184 cents (73 cents per cm). The complete tone range of the Continuum Fingerboard corresponds to almost 8 octaves. Each finger contact on the playing area generates Y value (up/down) and Z (pressure) for the touch dynamics.

User Guide:
  • EaganMatrix User Guide
  • Continuum User Guide

Continuum comparison:

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