Kenton Pro 2000 Mk2 Converter

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Kenton
Доступность:на заказ
48145 Р
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This Super-fast response time Midi to CV/Gate Converter has a MIDI syncable LFO(s) MIDI IN/THRU, MIDI analyser mode, Portamento, Selectable note priority, Set-ups stored in non-volatile RAM, Two completely independent CV channels, six additional CV outputs can be programmed to different MIDI channels. Switchable V/Oct and Hz/V scaling options, Optional KADI or DCB port on its own channel, 2 independent LFO's assignable to any output, In-built LFOs sync to MIDI clock, LCD display, Multiple configuration memories, internal power supply, built-in portamento adjustable in real-time, MIDI out with filtering to 'channelise' an omni on synth, designed to control all types of mono-synths, V-trig (up to 15v) or S-trig (with or without pull-up), Adjustable pitchbend range, any MIDI channel can be selected, MIDI monitor mode - for easy MIDI troubleshooting.

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