Nomad Factory Analog Studio Rack

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Nomad Factory
Доступность:в наличии
В наличии:
  • Склад Петербург (поставка 1-3 дня)
  • Склад Москва (поставка 1-3 дня)
  • Удаленный склад (поставка 3-8 недель)
  • Доступен к поставке
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Обычная цена:
3845 Р
Специальная цена:
3514 Р
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-331 Р
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Channelstrip plug-in (Download)Virtual effects rack with seven modules contains the following plugins:
  • AS - Bus Comp: Based on well-known British bus compressor concept - especially suitable for group or master compression
  • AS - Comp Limit: Simulates the compressor / limiter module of a legendary British mixing console
  • AS - Exciter: Inspired by a hardware Maximizer - to refresh dull recordings or individual tracks
  • AS - Gate Expander: Simulates the expander of a legendary British mixing console
  • AS - Preamp: Simulation of a tube preamplifier with typical saturation effects, overdrive protection, phase inversion etc.
  • AS - Pulse EQ: Emulation of a legendary EQ design from the 50s with simultaneous cut and boost on the same frequency bands
  • AS - State EQ: classic British solid state EQ with switch between E and G series
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Размеры и вес товара

Длина: 5.0000CM
Ширина: 5.0000CM
Высота: 5.0000CM
Вес: 1.0000KG

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