Recovery Effects Bad Comrade

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Recovery Effects
Доступность:на заказ
21782 Р
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Is is a distortion? Is it a ring modulator or a delay? We call it the Bad Comrade, the world’s first hand-wired glitch, pitch and slice module.

The Bad Comrade will let you beef up every sound you will send through the device. Dull drums will be transformed into hard banging sounds. Acoustic instruments, as well as synthesizers, can be “spiced up” the same way. For the adventurous sound-researcher that craves unthinkable tones, the Bad Comrade lets you distort, modulate, glitch and slice on the fly like no other module.

There are three simple parameters for varying the sound.
The delay time can be set manually via the Time potentiometer and it is possible to influence it via the CV input. Altering this parameter during operation leads to pitch effects.
Turning the Glitch knob to the left will increase the threshold, cutting noise and clipping the signal.
To compensate the boost in amplification caused by the module, you can use the Level knob to bring it back to the desired volume. Turned all the way to the left, the sound will be completely silenced.
Pushing the Freeze button will lock the signal at the rate set by the delay time control knob.

The Bad Comrade is hand-wired in Seattle, Washington.

Full-lifetime warranty.

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