Universal Audio

Universal Audio

  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Electra 88 Vintage Keys Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Electra 88 Vintage Keys Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6465 Р
    Virtual E-Piano (Download) Meticulous emulation of one of the most famous electric pianos ever made, Based on a detailed sampled Rhodes Eighty Eight Suitcase Mark 1 from 1974, Numerous setting options such as tuning,...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Empirical Labs EL8 Dist.Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Empirical Labs EL8 Dist.Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6465 Р
    Compressor Plug-In (Download) Meticulous emulation of the modern, “must-have” compressor from 1993 perfect for radically shaping guitars, drums, vocals and mayn more, Provides the entire circuit path and control set of...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Fairchild Tube Limiter Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Fairchild Tube Limiter Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6465 Р
    Compressor Plugin (Download) Careful emulations of the legendary and probably most wanted tube limiters Fairchild 660 and 670 as well as 670 Legacy for UAD-2, Separate replicas of the circuit layouts of the 660 and...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Galaxy Tape Echo Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Galaxy Tape Echo Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6465 Р
    Delay Plugin (Download) Careful emulation of what is probably the best known and legendary combined tape echo / spring reverb device ever, introduced in 1973, Detailed modelling of the tape loop and tape heads with...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Helios Type 69 EQ Preamp Nat. Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Helios Type 69 EQ Preamp Nat. Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6465 Р
    Channelstrip-Plug-In (Download) Careful emulation of the channel strip of the Helios Type 69 vintage console, which was found in many well-known studios, Combines a colouring preamp with Lustraphone transformers and an...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Hitsville EQ Collect. Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Hitsville EQ Collect. Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6465 Р
    Equaliser Plugin (Download) Careful emulation of the equalisers specially made for Motown Studios with the help of Motown engineer John Windt, Accurately recreates the entire signal path, including transformers and...
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